Tuesday, January 30


in the darkest can you best see the light and follow it.

at gateway mall, in that palm garden under the glass dome. the cool thing about some reflections is when you show slightly different things instead of whats expected.
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Thursday, January 25


the first step after the last one in a long time is almost always the hardest thing to do.

the old glum of waiting in train stations. i almost miss the feeling, now that it only happens once a week instead of perennially. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 7


"there is not enough time to do all the nothing we want to do."

trees against gloom sky. creamed up in ps and picassa Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 31


never thought id be able to play a fun gig again, but it looks like i would still have chances to do so for a while.

in the middle of paranoid. at jamci fundraising gig at bela bar wilson st san juan. photo by claire Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 29

you know what day it is today?

seafood pesto nut
aveneto aug 25, the sixth
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Monday, August 28


there goes a very busy weekend. little rest, but it's alright. id love to run the details, but this isnt the blog to do it.

meetings suck. grumbling to myself, i take a quick shot off my 818 to amuse myself. my berry right there as a business display piece on my part. the participants on the other side of the conference room do nothing provide pixels to balance the picture.

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Thursday, August 24


perspective can be a bitch. one good thing can be dastardly awful on an angle, and then some bad thing can be heroically graceful on another view. mostly whats important is what it was to you. sometimes only you know the truth to some things.

what is this? a tabletop curio, cold and minty, free. one incidental dinner at a kitchen. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 23

new pilot

the rb3172 new pilot
semi wrap oval/aviators
metal frame glass lens
polarized green-black tints

haha and the obligatory mug shot.
reimbursements rock!!
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Tuesday, August 15


have cable again in the room. wasted two hours watching cartoons and infomercials before snapping out of it. felt like sloshing out from putrid tar. i forgot why i thought the old cable line was fated to be cut in the first place; so im halfway to removing it again.

swamp, an old watercolor painting from my duh watercolor course last year. i was thinking of where lestat was stashed when he was first killed by louis and claudia. i had wanted to put rats and alligators too, but it would be too much. Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 14


there are only a few things that beat being deservingly happy (arguably maybe one of those is being deservingly sad and recovering from it)

no not the kind that starts in 10 minutes or ends with a blue screen. this one taken from one of those happy days, when you notice all the smallest good things in life. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 10


when i go to a beach i tell the sea my problems and she sighs back and blows me a reassuring breeze.

a pic of a photo i took years ago. the photo's tacked on the side of my work pc and it reminds me of the things out there that wait for me on the weekends (and things that will always, always change) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 9


over again, the urge to sleep evades

the enterprise food park level central skylight Posted by Picasa